NEWSpiracy Tutor Handbook EN The project "NEWSpiracy" is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of NEWSpiracy is the sole responsibility of the project partners and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089608 ● Personalization: News media can use data and technology to provide more personalized content and services to their audiences. This can help to increase engagement and loyalty among readers. ● Audience engagement: social media and other platforms provide opportunities for news media to engage with their audiences in new and innovative ways, including through interactive content and social media campaigns. On the other hand, social media has also posed significant challenges to the news industry, with many news outlets struggling to monetize their content and maintain profitability in an increasingly competitive digital landscape (The Future of News: Trust and Polarization, z.d.). Social media has also given rise to a phenomenon known as “clickbait”, where news outlets publish sensational headlines to attract clicks and drive traffic to their websites, often at the expense of accuracy and credibility. Therefore, the news media must deal with the following challenges: ● Sustainability: The shift to digital media has disrupted traditional revenue models for news media, leading to challenges in term of sustainability and profitability. ● Trust and credibility: The proliferation of fake news and disinformation has undermined trust in news media. News organizations must work to maintain high standards of accuracy and integrity in order to maintain credibility. ● Misinformation: The rise of social media has made it easier for misinformation to spread quickly and widely, which can undermine credibility of news media companies. ● Monetization: It can be challenging for news media companies to monetize their digital content due to consumers’ expectation of free content online. ● Competition: The rise of digital media has led to increased competition for audience attention, with many different sources vying for readers’ attention. The Access to social media: Generational differences in news and media use Access to social media varies greatly depending on a variety of factors such as geographical, location, economic status, gender and age. Regarding consuming news and media use, age especially is a very significant factor and generational differences play an important role. Generational differences in news and news media refer to the differences in how different age groups consume and engage with news content. There are significant generational differences in news consumption and media use and this generational divide has significant implications for the news industry, as traditional sources of news such as print newspapers continue to decline in popularity, while social media and online sources continue to gain ground. Here are some general trends that have been observed: ● Traditional media versus digital media: younger generations consume news primarily through digital media such as social media, news websites and mobile apps, while older generations tend to consume news through traditional sources such as television, radio, and newspapers. There are significant generational differences in news consumption. ● Trust in news sources: younger generations tend to be more skeptical of traditional news sources and more likely to seek out news content from a variety of sources, including social media and online communities. Older generations still have more trust in what is said on the radio/television and what is written in the newspapers.