NEWSpiracy Tutor Handbook EN The project "NEWSpiracy" is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of NEWSpiracy is the sole responsibility of the project partners and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089608 ● substantial value in comparison to other pages Expertise ● content should inspire others to trust it ● it should include evidence of mastery ● it should be backed up by different references ● it could also include external information about the author’s backgrounds ● the site should give an impression of trust and recognition as an authority in the topic ● it should be clear if the content is being created by an expert or an enthusiast who really knows the topic ● factual errors can be easily verified People content ● content created mainly for people and not for manipulation search engine rankings ● there should be an existing or intended audience ● first-hand expertise should be proved ● have a primary purpose or focus ● make people feel like they have learned something from the content ● give people a satisfying experience Avoid search engine content creation ● avoid content that only seeks to catch the attention in search engines ● creating a lot of content on many different topics to see which one performs well on search engines ● using extensive automation to create content ● only summarising what others said instead of adding value ● Writing only because the topic is trending without considering your regular audience ● Information is not enough and people need to go and search more elsewhere ● Limiting the word count because of search engine preferences ● Entering a niche topic are without real expertise ● Promising to answer a question that doesn’t have an answer yet Table 1. Self-assessment process’ question topics adapted from Google Developers (n.d.) There are some extra steps that could be taken in order to have the most reliable content. The method of E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) where trust is the most important aspect inside the content. The other three factors contribute to building trust; however, they don’t really need to be demonstrated at the same time all the time. Search quality raters are trained to identify these factors (Google Developers, n.d.). One final form of doing the self-assessment process suggested by Google Developers (n.d.) is by asking these three questions: who , how , and why . In the who make the author of the content stands out, make sure the by-line is in the correct place and that it could also lead to extra information about the author or authors. Then when asking how, make sure readers will notice the process, include photographs or numbers as evidence, verify that any AI content is not really noticeable, specify if automation was used to create the content. Finally, the why is probably the most important part of this self-assessment process. The last part can also be complemented with the act of communication theory by Lasswell (1948) where he addressed that an appropriate form of approaching an act of communication included 5 questions: Who , says What , in Which channel, to Whom , and with What effect ? This means that