NEWSpiracy Tutor Handbook EN The project "NEWSpiracy" is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of NEWSpiracy is the sole responsibility of the project partners and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089608 Types of news items Tweets Twitter is a social network that was created back in 2006 (Vanian, 2022) by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. By 2009 it had already become a mainstream phenomenon. The way news spreads on this platform is incredible. Information is shared immediately; the only problem is information sources are not necessarily always reliable or trustworthy. As of December 2022, the platform had over 368 million monthly active users (Dixon, 2022). Since the creation until 2017, the limit to write a tweet was 140 characters, after 2017 it increased to 280. It has remained like that for the past few years, until recently when U.S.-based Twitter Blue subscribers have a new limit of 4,000 characters (Reimann, 2023). However, the limit continues to be the same for basic users. Delving into how to work around information in order to choose wisely what to include in your tweet, Ann (2023) presents some ideas on how to properly synthesise information using ideas from different sources. Synthesising has proved its value, especially when it comes to tweeting, because it allows users to bolster their arguments, utilise a diverse range of supporting evidence, indicate their extensive research on the subject matter, and display their capacity for analytical and critical thinking (Ann, 2023) Synthesising can be an easy process, Ann (2023) suggests some steps into this procedure: ● It is advisable to read relevant materials on the topic and take concise notes on the key points related to the main argument to facilitate the comparison and contrast of information across various sources. ● Look for common ideas or topics in the taken notes. ● Include reporting words and linking words to explain the ideas, also make sure to cite all the sources that were used to create the synthesis. The audience of a tweet will act always as a judge, writers shouldn’t really focus on receiving much attention, they should instead focus on writing for an audience, someone who will act as a judge of the information you post. So, you should wonder about this judge and its background, and have a target audience in mind at all times. It is impossible to please everyone, so it is impossible to write brief information that will compel everyone to like it or want to read it. The more you know about who your audience is, the best impact your synthesised information will have. Instagram posts Visual images are known for their powerful impact and also for increasing viewers’ attention and retention (Rusmann et al., 2019). Visual communication has always played an important role in politics. However, this important role is also played in other areas: in this case, Instagram . Rusmann et al. (2019) have mentioned 4 important sites related to the power of an image: the locations where an image is produced, the visual content it contains, its distribution across different platforms, and the audience who views it are all significant factors to consider when analysing visual images. These include the site of production, the site of the image itself, the site of circulation, and the site where the image encounters the spectators. Each of these locations plays a crucial role in shaping the perception and reception of visual images, as well as the impact they have on the audience (Müller & Geise, 2015).