NEWSpiracy Tutor Handbook EN The project "NEWSpiracy" is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of NEWSpiracy is the sole responsibility of the project partners and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089608 Additionally, each of these locations is characterised by three modalities: technological, compositional, and social. The technological aspect is crucial in understanding the process of posting, displaying, and disseminating images on Instagram. Compositional aspect pertains to the content of the image posted on Instagram, which includes colour, spatial organisation, and visual elements. The social aspect encompasses the various economic, social, and political contexts, relations, institutions, and practices that surround an image and affect its perception and usage (Rose, 2016). Instagram can use different sites : the site of production and site of the image itself (Rusmann et al.,2019). The production site will focus on understanding why and how instagram posts are created and used, while the site of the image itself will focus on the composition and also will tell everyone how by interacting with the posts and visual images, people will feel persuaded to whatever is included in the power of this image. Instagram is a platform that allows users to easily frame, filter, and edit pictures and videos (Rusmann et al., 2019). The majority of Instagram users access the platform through their mobile phones and have a preference for quickly swiping through content. Therefore, it is important for pictures to be straightforward and easy to comprehend. Visual and auditory elements can imbue factual information with emotion (Al-Kandari et al., 2019). Instagram is a social media platform that heavily relies on visual content, making it an effective tool for brand perception through the use of photos, images, and videos. Using visual cues to convey information and ideas improves the recognition, understanding, and retention of messages, leading to lasting effects (Al-Kandari et al., 2016). According to a media-deterministic perspective, Instagram's reliance on images and videos makes it a platform that focuses on individuals and their emotions. As a result, it is useful for creating and shaping one's image, constructing an identity, and presenting oneself to others as stated by Al-Kandari et al. (2016). There is something very important about choosing what to post , imagine it as if it were like choosing a writing style. One of the main challenges in image retrieval is the user's need to convey their desired "concept" to the system. This concept refers to the image that the user wants to find, but there are various methods to express it as a search query, such as using a text string, a similar image, a sketch, or a combination of these options (Vo et al., 2019). The combination of text and image features has been thoroughly examined in the area of vision and language, particularly in the context of Visual Question Answering. The prevalence of graphic communication has increased significantly because graphics have unique abilities that text alone lacks. They have the power to quickly impact us both cognitively and emotionally (Parkinson, 2007). The use of graphics in communication accelerates and amplifies our ability to convey messages effectively. They enhance understanding, memory, and retention by providing visual cues that aid in decoding text and drawing attention to important information, thereby increasing the probability that the audience will retain the information. Pictures have the ability to enhance or impact emotions and attitudes. Graphics stimulate our imagination and enhance our creative thinking by activating different parts of our brain, which results in a deeper and more precise comprehension of the presented information (Parkinson, 2007). Giannoulakis and Tsapatsoulis (2016) talk about the importance of hashtag s in Instagram. They concluded that it can be inferred that a majority of the hashtags used by the owner of Instagram images are related to the content of the image as other users find them descriptive. Specifically, at least two out of three hashtags can be considered relevant to the image content. Approximately 66% of the hashtags used on Instagram images are pertinent to the content of the images themselves, making them suitable for use in training artificial intelligence and analytics contexts (Giannoulakis &