NEWSpiracy Tutor Handbook EN The project "NEWSpiracy" is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of NEWSpiracy is the sole responsibility of the project partners and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089608 Fact-checking tools It is important to always verify the information before accepting it as true and sharing it. There are several fact-checking resources that can help to verify the accuracy of news and information: ● – a non-profit organization that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics by monitoring the accuracy of statements made by politicians, political parties, and interest groups. ● – verification of rumors, urban legends, and fake news stories. ● PolitiFact - website that focuses on statements made by U.S. politicians. ● The Washington Post Fact Checker – project examines statements made by politicians and public persons and rates them on a scale from "true" to "false." ● AP Fact Check – the project of the Associated Press that checks the accuracy of claims made in the news. ● BBC Reality Check - fact-checking service provided by the BBC that examines the accuracy of claims made in the news and on social media. ● Full Fact - UK-based independent fact-checking organization that checks claims made in the news, social media, and political speeches. ● FactScan – a project by NewsGuard, a browser extension that evaluates the credibility of news and information websites based on nine criteria of journalistic standards and transparency. ● Bellingcat online investigation toolkit – list of tools to be used for fact-checking. ● First Draft: Verification Toolbox - a tool for fact verification for beginners. ● FotoForensics - analyze photographs. ● InVID Verification Plugin - plugin for verifying videos and images. ● NewsGuard – a browser plugin that helps detect fake news web pages. ● Open Mind - browser extension - web extension analyses the news articles and flags the biases. ● Sure Or Not - browser extension - SureOrNot warns about outdated news articles on your Facebook feed. ● SurfSafe - browser extension – analyses images and detects if it related to the article. ● Trusted News - browser extension - extension flags the trustworthiness of the sites. Fact-checking is a crucial action for ensuring that the information being consumed is accurate and truthful. By promoting transparency and accountability, fact-checking plays an important role in maintaining healthy social media usage and ensuring that everyone can make informed decisions about important issues. Summarising this chapter, it’s clear that teachers can play a crucial role in helping students learn how to avoid fake news. Using fact-checking tools can help both teachers and students develop their media literacy skills and become critical thinkers who are better equipped to identify and avoid fake news. Understanding conspiracy theories and the importance of fact-checking is crucial because